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The Orchard

  • Oficios de Valencia
    October 19, 2014

    Trades of Valencia

    Today we bring you some pictures published on the blog about the Graphic History of Valencia of Mr. Juan Antonio Soler. In this blog you can see old photos about the collection and classification of oranges. Be sure to visit...

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  • ¿Qué es una Orangerie?
    October 14, 2014

    What is an Orangerie?

    Since the 16th century, European royal houses began to grow citrus in their gardens. The oranges oranges and other citrus fruits were fashionable and, also, a symbol of power. Importation was complicated and very expensive, so these delicious fruits were...

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  • El ladrón de naranjas
    October 5, 2014

    The orange thief

    In the book El Señor del Cero by the author María Isabel Molina, we find the following mathematical problem, try to solve it and send us your comments! A thief a basket of oranges from the market he stole and...

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  • ¿Los cítricos pueden prevenir un derrame cerebral?
    September 30, 2014

    Can citrus fruits prevent stroke?

    Foods rich in vitamin C can probably help reduce the risk of suffering a hemorrhagic stroke. This conclusion was reached by Stephane Vannier, author of a study that was recently presented at theAmerican Academy of Neurology's 66th Annual Meeting. Vitamin...

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  • Kallawayas y naranjas asadas
    September 23, 2014

    Kallawayas and roasted oranges

    The Kallawayas belong to a millenary culture in the high plateaus of Lake Titicaca in Bolivia. They are part of the Aymara people and stand out for their inherited knowledge of natural medicine. In 2003, the Kallawaya culture was declared...

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  • ¿Por qué tomamos zumo de naranja con el desayuno?
    September 21, 2014

    Why do we drink orange juice with breakfast?

    It is very common to drink an orange juice orange juice with breakfast, especially on weekends when there is no rush and we can start the day more relaxed. But where does this habit come from, why do we drink...

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  • 10 datos curiosos sobre las naranjas
    September 18, 2014

    10 curious facts about oranges

    Thanks to its extraordinary flavor, it is one of the most popular fruits worldwide. The orange can be used in countless sweet or savory dishes, in juices, sauces or jams, and is also known for its many therapeutic properties. therapeutic...

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