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The Orchard

  • Propiedades saludables de las hojas del naranjo
    December 17, 2014

    Health properties of orange tree leaves

    In other articles, we have seen the numerous benefits of oranges. oranges and the peel as well as orange blossom orange blossom. The leaves of the orange tree also provide an unmistakable aroma but also different positive properties for our...

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  • ¿Cómo conservar los cítricos?
    December 10, 2014

    How to preserve citrus fruits?

    Citrus fruits such as orangesoranges, tangerines or lemons ripen on the tree. Once harvested, they can easily be stored for a week or more at room temperature and a little longer in the refrigerator. But what is the best way...

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  • El Carnaval de Ivrea
    December 6, 2014

    The Ivrea Carnival

    The historic Carnival of Ivrea (Piedmont) is famous throughout Italy and abroad. Since the beginning of the 19th century it celebrates the popular rebellion against tyranny with a historical parade and the famous battle of the oranges. In this battle...

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  • Regala salud - Té a la naranja
    December 5, 2014

    Give the gift of health - Orange Tea

    As the holidays are approaching and you probably still need some gifts, we recommend a very healthy and, at the same time, economical one : orange green tea. You can use orange peel has many beneficial health properties. Today we...

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  • Naranjas como remedio contra la bronquitis
    December 3, 2014

    Oranges as a remedy for bronchitis

    During the cold season of the year, respiratory tract diseases are very common. In this article we propose several home remedies against bronchitis and colds. As always, we will use our delicious oranges for these remedies. Oranges are a highly...

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  • La guerra de las naranjas
    November 29, 2014

    The war of the oranges

    Have you ever heard of the War of the Nights? Naranjas? The War of the Oranges was not a citrus battle like the one that takes place every year in the town of Ivrea, Italy. In 1801 Spain was forced...

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  • La piel de mandarina en la Medicina Tradicional China
    November 26, 2014

    Tangerine peel in Traditional Chinese Medicine

    In China, the sun-dried mandarin peel sun-dried mandarin peel is used as seasoning e.g. in soups, stews, desserts, dressings, herbal teas, etc. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) the peels of this delicious fruit have been used for more than 2,000...

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  • ¿Todas las naranjas son naranjas?
    November 23, 2014

    Are all oranges oranges?

    The characteristic color of this delicious fruit is orange. orangeBut are all oranges really orange in color? In many tropical countries, such as Brazil - the world's largest producer of oranges - the natural color of oranges is green or...

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