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¿Los cítricos pueden prevenir un derrame cerebral?

Can citrus fruits prevent stroke?

Foods rich in vitamin C can probably help reduce the risk of suffering a hemorrhagic stroke. This conclusion was reached by Stephane Vannier, author of a study that was recently presented at theAmerican Academy of Neurology's 66th Annual Meeting.

Vitamin C is found in different fruits and vegetables such as e.g. orangespapaya, papaya, peppers, strawberries, broccoli, etc. Eating foods with vitamin C probably reduces the risk of hemorrhagic stroke. This is less frequent than a transient ischemic attack but is more fatal.

The study involved 65 patients who had suffered an intracerebral hemorrhagic stroke or a rupture of a blood vessel in the brain. These patients were contrasted with 65 healthy persons. The vitamin C levels of all participants were analyzed, 45% of them were found to have low vitamin C levels while 14% of the participants were considered vitamin C deficient.

In general, people who had suffered a stroke had low levels of vitamin C, while healthy people had normal levels.

Stephane Vannier (MD, Pontchaillou University Hospital, Rennes, France) comments that "the results show that a vitamin C deficiency can be considered a risk factor for this type of severe stroke, just like high blood pressure, alcohol consumption or being overweight".

This is not the first study to reach this conclusion although more research on the subject is still needed to see how vitamin C can help prevent strokes.

Recommended daily dose
0 - 4 months 50
4 - 12 months 55
1- 4 years 60
4 - 7 years 70
7 - 10 years old 80
10 - 13 years old 90
13 - 15 years old 100
Adolescents and adults
15 - 25 years 100
25 - 51 years old 100
51 - 65 years 100
65 years and older 100
Pregnant from the fourth month of pregnancy 110
Infants 150

One orange contains between 50 and 70 mg of vitamin C.

A glass of orange juice contains about 135 mg of vitamin C.

Oranges, in addition to vitamin C, have many other healthy properties. In this article you can read more about the benefits: Eat oranges to stay healthy! Once you have tasted ours, you won't want any others. They are simply delicious.

If you want to order Valencian oranges online at home, visit our web page To learn more about this world as well as to know all the news and interesting recipes, become a fan in our Facebook or subscribe to our blog.

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