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Datos y curiosidades sobre el limón

Facts and curiosities about lemons

Lemon is known for its high content of vitamin C and its health properties. But few know the origin and history of this citrus fruit. On this occasion we want to share with our readers some facts and curiosities about lemons.

Soon you will be able to taste our lemons without further chemical treatment.

Did you know that...

  • ...the lemon tree has been cultivated in India for more than 2,500 years?
  • ... the Greek philosopher Theophrastus (approx. 371 BC - 287 BC), the founder of phytotherapy, used lemons for therapeutic purposes?
  • ...until the 10th century the lemon tree was used as an ornamental plant, not to consume its fruits?
  • ...around the year 100, Arab traders brought lemons to the Middle East and Africa?
  • ...the Arabs introduced the lemon tree in Spain in the 11th century?
  • 1493 Christopher Columbus brought lemon tree seeds to America?
  • ...since the Middle Ages it has been customary to serve fish with a slice of lemon because people believed that the juice of this fruit could dissolve accidentally ingested fish bones?
  • ...the Romans used lemons to protect their garments from moths?
  • ...the Roman cook Apicius' cookbook "De re coquinaria" mentions a method of preserving lemons?
  • ...the Egyptians served lemon water during meals for guests to rinse their fingers? In addition, they treated anxiety and insomnia with mint and lemon-based perfumes. They also used lemon juice to cure sore throats and a mixture of water and lemon to remove bad odors due to sweat.
  • ...thanks to the experiments of James Lind, in 1747 the juice of this citrus fruit began to be used for sailors suffering from scurvy, although vitamin C was not yet known.


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References: Beyond Pharaonic Egypt. Wikipedia.

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