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Aroma de naranja contra la ansiedad

Aroma of orange against anxiety

Aromatherapy can accompany (never replace!) a traditional medicine treatment and generate a feeling of joy and tranquility, awakening our own healing energies. The oils used influence, through the sense of smell, directly on the emotions.

Professor Hanns Hatt of the University of Bochum has investigated how the brain identifies different fragrances via receptors and how some of them block each other. Fragrances act in two different ways: Molecules arrive via breath and skin into the bloodstream and have different effects: rosemary, for example has a vasodilator effect and improves circulation and oxygen reception. Other scents act in the brain as drugs. The team of scientists at the University of Bochum has been able to find out that, for example, a fruity smell such as grapefruit acts in the brain like valium. The molecules are placed on the sleep receptors and the mice used in the study fell asleep.

Orange scent against anxiety

A curious study was conducted at the University of Vienna: The dentist's waiting room, where one of the groups was waiting, was sprayed with 100% natural orange scent. The participants had to fill out a questionnaire about their feelings. Although they did not perceive the smell of orange, the female participants - in comparison to the control group - found themselves much calmer and unafraid. The male participants, however, were just as nervous and anxious - there was no difference between the two male groups. What is not yet clear is, how exactly this positive aroma-triggered reaction occurs.

In his doctoral thesisD. thesis, researcher Julia Eidt from Munich came to the conclusion that the scent of orange (and also lavender) significantly improves the symptoms of depression. In her study with elderly people, she was also able to prove that orange fragrance can significantly improve the quality and disturbance of sleep. The overall mood also improved considerably.

In aromatherapy, the fragrance of orange oil is commonly used against depression, anxiety and nervousness as well as to brighten the spirit and improve mood. The scent of orange increases cheerfulness and a sense of well-being.

Create an atmosphere full of optimism, joy and creativity with orange scent!


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