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10 razones por las que comprar nuestras naranjas

10 reasons to buy our oranges

If you are still wondering why you should buy our oranges, here are the answers:

1. The taste of our oranges is delicious, they are very sweet, easy to peel, with firm flesh and good size.

2. They are naturaloranges, without any chemical treatment after being picked. This allows you to use the peels for numerous recipes or home remedies.

3. We pick the oranges at the optimum point of ripeness, so they have the best quality, all the vitamins and minerals and a lot of juice.

4. We cultivate oranges in a traditional way, with the greatest care and respect for nature. Oranges are our life and our great passion. Our family has been dedicated to the cultivation of this delicious fruit for almost 100 years.

5. We always offer the best variety for every moment of the season .

6. Oranges are shipped the same day they are picked from the tree and arrive in their best condition and very fresh directly to the buyer's home.

7. We sell directly without intermediaries and we offer a very personal service with 100% satisfaction guarantee . Our service is direct and personal, we are always available to clarify any doubts or for any suggestions.

8. The purchase on our website is very simple and if there is any problem we solve it quickly.

9. In our blog we offer many recipes, information and useful tips.

10. They are the best Valencian oranges with an authentic flavor that is difficult to find. In addition, we offer some high quality gourmet products such as orange blossom honey or lemon as well as homemade mandarin marmalade.

Do not hesitate, visit our online store, you will not regret it!

Our oranges are delicious and very healthy!

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If you want to order Valencian oranges online at home, visit our website To learn more about this world as well as to know all the news and interesting recipes, become a fan in our Facebook or subscribe to our blog.

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