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Ensalada de rúcula y naranja

Arugula and orange salad

Today we present an easy, quick, very healthy and delicious recipe. Thanks to Bertha from the blog Brujita in the kitchen for her kind collaboration.

Arugula and orange salad

INGREDIENTS (for two people):

  • 250 gr arugula
  • 100 gr green garlic
  • 100 gr asparagus
  • 1 orange from
  • 75 gr Parmesan cheese
  • a handful of walnuts
  • 5 tablespoons mayonnaise
  • zest of an orange or orange powder
  • pinch of cayenne powder
  • 5 chopped fresh basil leaves
  • salt



  • The first thing to do is to cut the garlic and wild asparagus into 2 - 3 cm pieces. Place in a microwave-safe bowl and cover with plastic wrap. Make some holes with a toothpick and put in the micro for 3 minutes.
  • Next, we prepare the dressing for which in a bowl we put the necessary ingredients, mayonnaise, salt, cayenne, basil and the zest of an orange. orange zest. You can also use orange powder. Then we will use the orange for the salad.
  • Once the dressing is ready, we put it in the fridge and we start to clean the orange, what we will do is carefully remove the segments so that later we do not find the white part as it gives bitterness.
  • Once ready all the ingredients by parts, and the garlic and wild asparagus already cooked and slightly cold, we prepare to assemble the salad.
  • In a bowl or plate we place a base of arugula, then we add the garlic and wild asparagus, we distribute without an organization, we place wedges to finish with diced parmesan and chopped walnuts.
  • Dress a little, leaving the rest in a sauce dish for each diner to add to taste.

Enjoy this delicious salad that provides you with many vitamins and very healthy nutrients. With our oranges it acquires an extraordinary flavor, you will love it!

If you want to order Valencian oranges online at home, visit our website To learn more about this world as well as to know all the news and interesting recipes, become a fan in our Facebook or subscribe to our blog.

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