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Un desayuno perfecto

A perfect breakfast

Breakfast like a king...! Surely you know this saying, but have you ever wondered what nutrients a perfect breakfast has to include? In the morning we need a lot of energy to face the daily chores and not fail in the attempt. This way you will perform better, both physically and intellectually, and you will also be able to control your weight more easily.

Fruit and cereals are essential in a good breakfast.

Start with a freshly squeezed orange juice on an empty stomach!

It takes very little time to prepare but provides numerous benefits. Citrus fruits in general include a good dose of vitamin C which helps in the formation of collagen and therefore keeps the skin young and elastic. If you drink the juice on an empty stomach, it promotes bowel movement as well as the elimination of toxins. If you want to know more about the benefits of consuming orange juice, you can also read this article.

A good breakfast should also include soluble fiber. Fiber has a satiating effect, improves digestion and helps regulate cholesterol. It also has a protective effect against colon cancer and improves constipation.

It is highly recommended to include oatmeal, walnuts or strawberries in breakfast, all of them rich in fiber and very beneficial for our organism. Oatmeal, for example, not only provides fiber but also important nutrients such as selenium, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, silicon and zinc.

For one person you need 2 tablespoons of oat flakes, a glass of water, a little bit of cinnamon (Ceylon cinnamon!) and 1 or 2 tablespoons of honey to taste. Blend everything in a blender and you will get a delicious smoothie. If you wish, you can also add half a banana. Another option is to add chia seeds, which also provide numerous health benefits. In this article you can read more about these seeds and you will also find a recipe.


Another delicious option is a whole wheat toast with honey, a little cinnamon and sesame seeds. Sesame provides a lot of calcium and is therefore especially recommended for bone health.

If you have a cold, we recommend you to start the day with some roasted oranges, in this article you will find more information and a recipe. They can be prepared very quickly in the microwave.

Breakfast is one of the most important moments of the day. Do not rush, take between 15 and 20 minutes, enjoy it and prepare yourself calmly for the challenges that await you every day.

If you want to order Valencian oranges online at home, visit our web page To know more about this world as well as to know all the news and interesting recipes, become a fan in our Facebook or subscribe to our blog.

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