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Naranjo: Remedio natural para el insomnio

Orange tree: Natural remedy for insomnia

Oranges to improve mood, vision, lose weight, reduce stress, relieve headaches... this delicious fruit has multiple properties that help us to improve different aspects of our health. In today's article we recommend some remedies against insomnia with different parts of the orange tree.

Orange blossom flower

Orange blossom has calming effects and, therefore, is often used in infusions to fall asleep or also to remedy problems of nervousness, anxiety or stress. In England, ladies of high society used to drink orange blossom water to help them sleep better.

  • An infusion with orange blossom and a spoonful of honey is highly recommended. You can combine orange blossom perfectly with lemon balm or lime blossom.

Orange peel

Try an infusion of orange peel. It is very tasty and will help you fall asleep. For this you can use the fresh peel of an orange without further chemical treatment, like ours, or orange powder. On this article we explain how to do it.

  • Boil the peel of an orange or a teaspoon of orange powder for 10 minutes in a glass of water. Strain the preparation, pouring it into a cup. Drink this infusion half an hour before going to bed.

Orange tree leaves

Also the orange tree leaves have calming effects and help you fall asleep.

  • Prepare an infusion with fresh or dried leaves and drink two or three cups throughout the day, after meals. If you do not like the bitter taste, you can sweeten the infusion with honey.


Especially people with heartburn should not eat oranges immediately before going to sleep, as they may cause problems. In addition, the acidity of the orange stimulates circulation. But most people have no problem eating oranges at night.

  • We recommend the juice of two oranges, mixed with hot water and a spoonful of honey. Delicious!

Naranjo Azahar Valencia

If you want to order Valencian oranges online at home, visit our website To learn more about this world as well as to know all the news and interesting recipes, become a fan in our Facebook or subscribe to our blog.

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