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Anatomía de la naranja

Anatomy of the orange

Many times we have informed you about the health benefits of oranges oranges for health or we have recommended different recipes. Today we want to explain briefly the anatomy of the orange:


  • Exocarp (also epicarp or flavedo): The origin of this word is Greek, "exo" means "outside" and "carpus" means "fruit". It is composed of epidermis and hypodermis and is the orange outer rind. This characteristic color is due to pigments found in the skin. peelBefore ripening, chlorophyll dyes the skin green, then carotenoids give it the typical orange color. The small vesicles or bubbles contain essential oils that give oranges their typical aroma. Limonene predominates. Here you can read some ideas to take advantage of orange peel.
  • Mesocarp (or albedo): It is the white part under the peel, with a slightly bitter taste and very rich in pectin. At this article you can find more information about this soluble fiber.
  • Endocarp: It is the juicy pulp, the most appreciated part, also rich in fiber.
  • Membranes or septa: These are the thin cell walls that separate the segments of oranges.
  • Seeds: The seeds of the orange are bitter, contain an oil rich in limonoids, hesperidin and fatty acids.
  • Central axis or column: It is the white "cord" in the center of the fruit.
  • Navel: From the English word comes the name of navel oranges because they have an end that resembles a navel. It is a sweet and extraordinary orange.

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