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¿Cómo conservar los cítricos en casa?

Cuando recibimos los cítricos en casa queremos mantenerlos frescos y deliciosos el mayor tiempo posible. Para conservarlos jugosos y sabrosos hay que tener en cuenta:

  1. Temperatura adecuada: A los cítricos les encanta estar fresquitos, pero no tanto frío extremo. Guardarlos a temperatura ambiente está bien.
  2. Alejados del sol directo: Evita exponerlos directamente a la luz del sol para evitar que se sequen o se echen a perder más rápido.
  3. En un lugar ventilado: Los cítricos necesitan aire fresco para respirar. Así que, si los guardas en una cesta o en un lugar donde haya buena ventilación, estarán más felices y se conservarán mejor.
  4. Separados y solos: Los cítricos liberan etileno, una sustancia que puede acelerar el proceso de maduración de algunas frutas y verduras. Mejor mantenerlos separados y evitar que se rocen demasiado.
  5. Revisa y consume: Por último, no olvides revisar tus cítricos de vez en cuando y consumirlos antes de que se pongan feos. Y si ves alguno que ya empieza a verse mal, consúmelo inmediatamente; al igual que los de su alrededor.

Con estos sencillos pasos, tus naranjas, limones y mandarinas estarán listos para ser disfrutados en cualquier momento.

How long does it take for the product to arrive?

Spain: In the peninsula we deliver the products in 24 hours from the validation of the order and its delivery to the carrier. No product is sent on Fridays and orders received until 20:00 the day before are served.

In the Balearic Islands the delivery of the order is delayed 48h/72h due to transport needs.

In case of rain, deliveries are delayed until it stops raining and the field dries sufficiently. Otherwise, the product will be damaged.

We do not deliver in the Canary Islands due to cost and bureaucratic customs problems, unbelievable for the 21st century. The day someone decides to be sensible and fix it, we will sell also in the Canary Islands (islands that we love, by the way).

Europe: For European destinations (EU only), the normal delivery time is between 48 / 92 hours, depending on the country or island.

We serve almost all of Europe (EU only) such as Germany, Holland, France or Belgium.

We can not serve in some parts of Europe because of the excessive cost it represents. Contact us if you cannot place your order automatically and we will confirm service availability. In any case, we may reject the order if the system does not detect this incident, in which case we will notify you as soon as possible to proceed with the refund of the amounts paid.

If you still have any questions we will be happy to assist you at

What are the delivery days?

Spain: Oranges are harvested and shipped the same day, Monday through Thursday (no product is shipped on Fridays to avoid them being stored over the weekend - they are best on the tree!) If you order from Thursday through Sunday, you will receive your order on Tuesday or the first working day after harvest.

In Europe, distribution takes several days, depending on the country of destination. Normal transit time is between 48 and 96 hours. You will have a tracking code where you can estimate the arrival of your order. If you have any doubts, please write to

What are your delivery areas?

We currently deliver anywhere in mainland Spain and the Balearic Islands.

We also deliver anywhere in Europe (EU) such as Germany, Holland, France or Belgium. Please, if you have any doubts, contact us before placing your order. Send us a message to

At what time do you deliver?

We cannot control the exact time of delivery. The product will be delivered before 19:00.

However, if in a first delivery you do not manage to leave the goods, the distributor will contact you on the phone number indicated to arrange a new delivery time.

It can also be delivered in different collaborating establishments.