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¡YA TENEMOS NAVELATE! La mejor naranja fresca valenciana

WE ALREADY HAVE NAVELATE! The best fresh Valencian orange

We already have Navelate! The best variety of orange and we are one of the few that have it, since it is not currently commercially profitable and has practically disappeared.

Once again, we bet on the quality of the fruit instead of the turnover. Maybe we are wrong but we believe in the best in the most natural way possible.

The Navelate is the sweetest orangewith the best taste in the mouth and with a great amount of juice. It is a real luxury. It is no longer grown because it is very delicate, spoils easily and produces less than other varieties. This makes it expensive to grow and very risky, and the price does not compensate for these risks.

The Navelate orange has a very sensitive skin. It often suffers from scratches due to the occasional wind that blows it around and slight alterations of the rind that are not noticeable inside at all; or very slight punctures appear, because the branches have thorns. In short, nothing substantial for what really matters, which is the flavor, and not in all the fruits, only in part of them. But it has been enough to be shunned, when it should be the other way round.

The Navelate arose spontaneously in Vinaroz, by natural mutation of a branch in a field of the Nável variety of Juan Gil, half a century ago.

We sell them in boxes of 10kg, 15kg or 20kg direct to your home from our field.

If you want to enjoy fresh, natural oranges, trust us and our products. Satisfaction guaranteed.

Order in our web or by mail to For more information, visit our Facebook page.


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