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Flan de mandarina sin azúcar

Sugar free mandarin flan

Here is a creamy flan with our mandarin oranges tangerineslow in calories and carbohydrates. So you can save the line and, at the same time, enjoy a sweet dessert. We thank Glo from Cocinandoconamigos this delicious recipe, as always very original, simple and delicious. You have to visit her blog, it is worth browsing through her recipes, surely you will want to try them all.

Sugar-free mandarin flan

Ingredients for 8 flans

*As you know, our oranges and tangerines have no further treatment, they are completely natural and you can and should use the peel perfectly as it contains many beneficial health properties.


  • Beat the egg and yolks.
  • Add the rest of the ingredients and continue beating until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  • Pour the mixture into individual flan pans and bake in a bain-marie. To do this, pour water in a baking tray and place the flan trays inside. Bake at 170º for 1 hour.
  • When they are set, remove and wait until they are completely cooled.
  • Now all that remains is to unmold the flans and serve them in individual dishes.

Enjoy this simple but creamy flan with an intense aroma of tangerines. It is a perfect dessert for a family meal or with friends and you will prepare it in a very short time, try it, you will love it!

If you want to order Valencian oranges online at home, visit our web page To learn more about this world as well as to know all the news and interesting recipes, become a fan in our Facebook or subscribe to our blog.

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