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Carpaccio vegano remolacha, naranja y nueces de Macadamia

Vegan carpaccio with beet, orange and macadamia nuts

This simple and very healthy recipe takes very little time to prepare and is really delicious. We found it on Dr. Odile Fernández Martínez's blog of Dr. Odile Fernandez Martinez who publishes anti-cancer recipes and we found it very interesting.

We recommend you to visit Dr. Odile's blog, where you will find many more original recipes, all of them very healthy and recommendable. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Dr. Odile for her kind collaboration.

With the intense flavor of our orangesYou will love this vegan Carpaccio, try it!


For the carpaccio you need:

  • 1 cooked beet (large)
  • 1 orange from
  • 4 chopped macadamia nuts
  • fresh basil leaves
  • dried basil
  • celery for garnish (optional)

For the dressing you need:

  • 1 tablespoon of basil extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon of Umeboshi vinegar (using this vinegar you do not need salt, as it provides a salty taste).

If you like salads, you should also try this recipe: Arugula and orange salad


  • Wash the beet and cook it for 20 minutes.
  • Then peel it and cut it into thin slices.
  • Then place the slices on a plate emulating the presentation of a traditional carpaccio.
  • Peel the orange and cut the segments into small pieces.
  • Chop the macadamia nuts.
  • Now all you have to do is decorate the beet slices with the orange pieces. orange and the chopped macadamia nuts.
  • Finally mix the oil and vinegar with the fresh basil and dress the carpaccio.
  • Garnish with some dried basil.

We also recommend this salad with mandarin and carrots.

If you like this article and want to learn more about oranges or other citrus fruits, please sign up for our blog (top right). If you want to buy online the best Valencian oranges,fresh and just picked from the tree, to use in your recipes, visit our website . To keep up to date and leave us your comments and photos, you can participate in our community on facebook.

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