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Agua de Valencia: ¡Sabor naranjas... y a Valencia!

Agua de Valencia: The taste of oranges... and Valencia!

Agua de Valencia is a well-known cocktail throughout Spain. It is a refreshing and sweet recipe that was created at the end of the 50's in the Café Madrid, in the city of Valencia. The main ingredient can be none other than freshly squeezed orange juice.

The preparation is very simple, the important thing is that all the ingredients are of the highest quality. Below, we explain how to make this cocktail.


  • 1/2 l of freshly squeezed orange juice
  • 1/2 l of cava
  • 1/4 of white alcohol (vodka, rum and gin)
  • sugar to taste
  • chopped or sliced oranges to garnish the drink.

It is best to use ripe and sweet oranges such as ours from and add less sugar.

As mentioned above, the quality of the ingredients will also determine the result.


  • Squeeze the orange juice and pour it into a glass pitcher.
  • Add the alcohol and sugar.
  • Stir the sugar well until it dissolves completely.
  • Now you can add the cava, stir everything carefully so as not to lose the bubbles of the cava.

You can prepare the Agua de Valencia in advance to chill it in the fridge. Do not forget to stir the drink carefully before serving.

Serve it in a pitcher with some ice cubes. You can also add pieces or slices of orange. orange to the drink and decorate the wide glasses that are usually used with a slice of orange.


If you want to know other drink recipes with oranges, do not miss this article: Hot drinks with oranges

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