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Responsible for the content of this website:

Isabel Rios Peset. DNI 25410062F. C / Cirilo Amorós 20 door 4. Valencia 46004. Spain. NIF 25410062F.

Registered in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Generalitat Valenciana with the registration number CP32000381.

Telephone +34 647 750 839



Isabel Ríos Peset

Guillermo Bas Villalobos

Content of the Page

We are Valencian citrus farmers, concerned about the environment and sustainable development. Our website is aimed at explaining our products and all those others that we sell. We have developed the web with all our affection and care, however, we do not assume any responsibility for the reliability and accuracy of the exposed information except that which is part of the commercial and contractual relations derived from the virtual store included in it. For this reason, claims arising from the incorrectness or inaccuracy of the information provided or damages arising from the use of the same (except for the contractual information detailed in product descriptions and conditions of service) will be rejected.
Any part of the web can be modified or eliminated, completely or partially by the author or authors without any type of separate notice or notice in this regard.
The hyperlinks included in our website do not constitute a recommendation. The accuracy, reliability and ownership of the information contained therein is not verified by us. For any damage or harm arising from the use of such information or another's website we have no responsibility.
We have carefully and carefully selected the entries in our blog based on how interesting and original the different proposals are but we can not be responsible for other pages that are not managed by us.
All the web developed by us is subject to the Intellectual Property rights recognized in the Spanish legislation. We respect the intellectual property rights, indicating with precision the owner of the same or using material not subject to it. The users of our website have the right to use the information contained therein as well as to download and print the information for their private use. Any other use, particularly the reproduction, duplication or other use of the contents of the website is unauthorized without prior written permission from Isabel Ríos Peset.
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Privacy Policy for the use of the web messaging service

We have also integrated the web messaging service on our website. This is provided by Twitter Inc., 1355 Market St, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA. Twitter offers the so-called "Tweet" function. With it, you can publish 140-character messages with website links in your own Twitter account. If you use the "Tweet" function of Twitter on our websites, the respective website will be linked to your account on Twitter where it may be made public. Here, data is also transmitted to Twitter.

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Nuestras políticas de privacidad, cookies and condiciones de servicio son fácilmente accesibles. Nuestra intención es la absoluta transparencia y cumplimiento de la ley por ello, te rogamos que si detectas algún error, nos lo hagas saber lo antes posible a y en la mayor brevedad posible lo subsanaremos